Payments in general is a shitshow from a DX point of view and if I had time I might look into the same idea (biggest threat is Stripe copies you. biggest opportunity is Stripe buys you!).
The problem comes down to rate limits. You can't inline query Stripe "has this user got a subscription?" so you need to roll you own webhooks, syncing etc. Libraries for this suck because they need to keep up with API changes and ergonomically such too.
The solution right now may be those $2k starter repos but I need to drop $2k to find out if they did it right!
Payments in general is a shitshow from a DX point of view and if I had time I might look into the same idea (biggest threat is Stripe copies you. biggest opportunity is Stripe buys you!).
The problem comes down to rate limits. You can't inline query Stripe "has this user got a subscription?" so you need to roll you own webhooks, syncing etc. Libraries for this suck because they need to keep up with API changes and ergonomically such too.
The solution right now may be those $2k starter repos but I need to drop $2k to find out if they did it right!