I enjoyed the site and found it useful to begin with however it became a playground for people who felt they were know it alls to get recognition. A little ego boost if you will and that ruined the point for me, which was to get a varied response on technical questions.
Get thousands of workers, to work thousandths of hours, to answer technical questions for free...In exchange for "Reputation". Sell for 1.8 Billion...The American Dream...
Would that it had been a public benefit corporation or nonprofit; maybe I would still be contributing today.
Instead of worrying about how hard it is to give away their money effectively these billionaires should be working to fix a political system created specifically to funnel money to billionaires. Without fixing the actual problem giving away money is just virtue signalling.
Does anyone still use Stack Overflow post-2022?
The fish stinks from the top
I encourage everyone to read his actual blogpost linked in the article, it’s pretty good.