Double-keyed caching: Browser cache partitioning

feross | 55 points

A random fact from before the “before” in the article: the cache for all resource types used to be the same. We (ab)used this to do preloading before it was available in the web platform, e.g. download a JavaScript without executing it:

  var js = new Image();
  js.src = 'script.js';
  js.onerror = function(){/* js done */};
Then some browsers started having a separate image cache and this stopped working
ssttoo | 5 hours ago

I’ve been beating this drum for many, many years now:

csswizardry | 8 hours ago

As a user, you can use extension like LocalCDN. Instead of having your browser download common libraries and fonts, the extension would intercept the request and serve the local version. Even better in terms of privacy and security.

zerof1l | 11 hours ago

This is annoying, can't we pretend to download the resources we have instead if just not doing it?

stuaxo | 4 hours ago

The author recommends Domain Consolidation however this seems like some bad advice in certain cases due to the browsers max connection limit on domains. At least in http 1.0. or am I mistaken ?

bilekas | 8 hours ago

This seems to be quite a drastic change that could only have been warranted by a bigger problem than the one outlined in the article. Also strange the way than Osmani preemptively shuts down criticism of the change.

What is the actual problem thats being solved here? Is cache-sniffing being actively used for fingerprinting or something?

Whats going on here?

fergie | 8 hours ago