Show HN: Interactive graphs in Rerun with a Rust port of D3-force

nikonp | 58 points

Hi, Jochen from Rerun here (@grtlr on GitHub)! I implemented most of the graph view, including Fjädra [0], our Rust port of the excellent d3-force [1].

Happy to answer any questions!



jgoertler | a day ago

I've been using rerun for a while to visualize the content of inference pipelines, it's nothing short of amazing!

I really wanted live views of my gstreamer pipelines, so I've started to write a tool with egui [0]. Looks like rerun's GraphView doesn't support subgraphs and horizontal layouts yet, but I'm sure I'll soon be able to just have a gstreamer tracer that pushes reruns logs. That's better than having to find the motivation to go through my todo list! Yeah!


simgt | 20 hours ago

This is pretty awesome. I especially liked replaying the graph layout. I do wonder what kind of native GUI toolkits whis would work with (since I don’t really care much for web UIs and browser overhead).

rcarmo | a day ago

Have been playing with rerun since the early days, and the team has built a ton of amazing features for visualizing your robotics datasets. I used it on a bicyclist safety system to ingest raw data for playback and analysis later.

I especially like that they're also building an (amazing) Rust version of imgui called egui, and open sourcing all the work for the ecosystem:

burningion | a day ago