That second video with the snorkelers sidling up to the orcas while they're attacking/feeding -- I know orcas have no record of attacking humans, but that's just a no^100 for me. Who's to say they won't get a little rambunctious in their glee at feeding and use one of the swimmers as a chew toy? Or decide that we might taste funny, but would make an interesting palette cleanser? In some parts of Africa, lions don't usually target humans, but you don't see researchers walking up to lions taking out a zebra like that.
gcanyon | 18 days ago
Are there any definitive reasons as to why killer whales haven’t targeted humans?
nobodyandproud | a month ago
I'll say what I always say when seeing things like this: for humans, "dying of natural causes" generally means dying peacefully in your sleep, or quickly of a heart attack or stroke, while for most animals, "dying of natural causes" means getting eaten alive, just praying that it will be over soon. I'll take being human.