Bird flu in Canada may have mutated to become more transmissible to humans

amichail | 107 points

It’s easy to subscribe to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency[0] and receive updates on cases of AI in livestock across the country. I was a subscriber for a year or so and thought it was fun but ultimately received too many emails — sometimes multiple cases a month. Not once did any of those get blown up to a media-worthy case, which I always found interesting: relatively high frequency but low severity.

I suppose the “severity” is low only because the rate of transmission to humans is low. The article mentions how we come into contact with wild animals especially birds more often than we might think. I wish they expanded on that — from touching things in public? from unwashed food? These aren’t wild populations of birds right?

Also gotta love the “we’re hoping no more transmissions occur and the mutation dies out” statement. I mean I don’t have a better plan.

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jorgesborges | 2 months ago

Reports like this remind me of very early COVID days. And USA just elected a POTUS that did a shit job of getting us through that same pandemic. With the cabinet that he has (rfk jr, oz…), let’s just hope these are truly fringe cases and doesn’t lead to an outbreak

xyst | 2 months ago

I wonder if we'll be firing any more pandemic surveillance staffers like we did last time[1].


mullingitover | 2 months ago

winter is coming and birds migrate, south so ,ya, great ,blame us for the "candemic" but we didnt do it, the rusianees emporer beamed the virus into our geese from the 5g towers and its bad, them geeses are flying in circles gathering up for a strafing run all across the fields and parks everywhere. The only way to be safe is to move north for the winter, get your visa now.

metalman | 2 months ago

Bird flu has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible to the second Trump term...

ryandvm | 2 months ago

Let this post make you notice they have been working on an mRNA payload that supposedly provides immunity against this already, however they were working on a self-replication feature but they merged that branch beforehand so this new version will have multiple new features.

therein | 2 months ago