X and Starlink face $1M in daily fines for alleged ban evasion in Brazil

JumpCrisscross | 42 points

> Brazil's national telecommunication agency, Anatel, has been ordered by de Moraes to prevent access to the platform by blocking Cloudflare as well as Fastly and EdgeUno servers, and others that the court said had been "created to circumvent" a suspension of X in Brazil.

Blocking Cloudflare and Fastly seems like a reactionary measure that is not exactly well conceived.

opello | 3 hours ago

This seems like a worthwhile fight. I'm surprised to see someone taking it up, though, most of the time company's just seem to comply with government mandated censorship.

jsight | 3 hours ago

The tone of the responses from X have changed a great deal since the whole thing began. There’s much less of a confrontational approach, presumably because given the declines in revenues, they’re realizing they can’t afford more of it.

dhosek | 3 hours ago
| 2 hours ago

How do they plan on collecting on that if the money is moved out of Brazilian accounts?

vesrah | 3 hours ago


7e | 3 hours ago


srameshc | 3 hours ago