Don't buy DRM-infected products, they aren't fit for purpose

samizdis | 16 points

It is kind of amazing it's legal to remove existing features and capabilities from hardware and software products.

I guess I can understand software built on the sinking sand of dependencies like OS and 3P frameworks. Yet it should carry a disclaimer and be priced accordingly. Perhaps mandatory refunds if it becomes useless within the 12 months after purchase.

paulryanrogers | 7 hours ago

Shit like this is why I'll always tell people to use free-as-in-freedom software. Most DRM can only live inside blobs. I use Firefox without EME and nothing's broken. Sure, there are legit streaming sites that don't work. I consider those websites "damage" and work around them.

Don't do drugs, just say no. Don't do DRM either, just say no.

Tangent: search for DRM on trains here on HN. Incredible stuffs.

bubblesnort | 7 hours ago
| 8 hours ago