Debugging Behind the Iron Curtain (2010)

edward | 66 points

I once interned in a clean room, and the equivalent story was random bad batches of wafers over months traced to one of the teams going out for super greasy pizza for lunch every week.

robertclaus | a day ago

Bit flips in RAM due to radioactive meat passing by as proven by measuring with equipment obtained from the military with the help of a few shots of vodka - it doesn't get any more Soviet than this. But, to flip a bit in a memory device from the 80s, when transistors were huge compared to today?.. I'd love to ask Sergei some questions!

yosefk | a day ago

Maybe a dumb question, but what kind of programming languages and operating systems were used at that time in the Soviet Union? Were c and unix a thing there as well?

vander_elst | a day ago
| a day ago

Sergey lied to you (and likely also to the immigration officer). All cattle in that area was shot and buried, all contaminated equipment was abandoned, even the stuff that could be cleaned up. A chip with such coarse lithography would need to be _in_ Chernobyl to experience any bit flips.

ein0p | a day ago

I’ve seen it posted here once or twice before, but it always brings a smile to my face.

jeeybee | a day ago

don’t post this glory crap here

jsfunfun | a day ago
| 16 hours ago