Federal Reserve cuts interest rates by 50 bps

scrlk | 47 points

Wonder how long it takes the tech job market to react/recover.

candiddevmike | a day ago

The thing most people don’t have their eye on is the ticking time bomb of variable rate loans taken out in 2020/21 reaching their 5 year reset soon.

If they didn’t start aggressively lowering rates it would be a huge drain on the economy

AbstractH24 | 14 hours ago

Since the year 2000 every time the Fed has begun rate cuts, the economy was just about to start a recession. The cuts were very fast after the first one in each of these cases. I guess it might be a really good time to start buying bonds if you expect this pattern to continue. This is the 4th time they have begun rate cuts after a time of raising rates since 2000.

nemo44x | a day ago

Honestly, it's not a great sign. Looks a bit like they are panicking.

moose_man | a day ago

Another 100 in 2025

tdardani | a day ago