Show HN: Selectric – macOS Search for Gmail, Outlook, Drive, Slack

adityawasudeo | 58 points

I'm surprised spotlight, with the exception of Slack, doesn't just do this fine enough. What was so frustrating?

brailsafe | 35 minutes ago

What is your monetization plan if it’s currently free? Looks great, but bills need to be paid!

Please consider eventually supporting Fastmail’s JMAP protocol (which they designed as a successor to IMAP).


toomuchtodo | 14 hours ago

In the 90's there was 'Google Desktop' which can do such things.

Still miss it.

reddit_clone | a day ago

Reminds me of Greplin / Cue, which Apple bought

skadamat | a day ago

This is very, very unimportant - but the build in your demo video on the site has a typo in the application name, "Selectirc" instead of "Selectric" (seen in the menu bar)

joshuaturner | 21 hours ago

I _really_ like this idea.

Is the source code available somewhere?

smcleod | 18 hours ago

Reminds me of a modern macOS version of “Everything” for windows. Love the concept!

It would be interesting if there was an option to add additional devices, such as a MacBook or iPhone, and search across all of them at once.

Alternatively if you want to preserve isolation perhaps a mobile app would suffice.

If you built an interface that we could plug other platforms into, I could see that being helpful, akin to what raycast has done with their extensions.

vinnymac | a day ago

Can anyone vouch for the privacy and overall trustworthiness of the team? I really love this concept and want to install it immediately!

resters | a day ago

I wonder how these apps secure the “indexed” data on device. These on-device databases are probably ripe for exfiltration by malware to get all of your juicy details in a neat, formatted table/database format.

xyst | 20 hours ago

Good luck on the launch! Do you plan more connectors? Would love to see Teams, onedrive etc

yrcyrc | a day ago

I searched for the name of the company I'm talking with in my next meeting and it gave me a recipe for rice? Company name was unrelated to rice!

ckorhonen | 21 hours ago

If I'm not mistaken, selectric is the name of an Emacs package that adds sound(s?) when you type from some IBM (?) Selectric typewriter.

rgreekguy | a day ago

Could this be a plugin for Alfred?

whalesalad | a day ago

Congrats on the launch! this looks interesting, but how is it different from raycast's search / alfred?

noashavit | a day ago

FYI your Discord invite link in the bottom right corner is invalid!

skadamat | 20 hours ago

How does the slack integration work? Do we need anything on the Slack side?

reddit_clone | a day ago

Any plans to add support for the macOS Mail app?

mh8h | a day ago

Discord link is broken.

dvrp | 20 hours ago

Interestingly, both IBM and Lexmark trademarks on Selectric™ are dead or expired, and other marks don't conflict.

You likely want to file to claim this.

Terretta | 14 hours ago