Silos in the Elixir Community

lawik | 5 points

I’m fond of silos like the one the author unintentionally created. I’ve always felt like a forum that grows to a sufficient size will just end up being noisy and I’ll avoid getting involved. I’ve previously sought out Swedish-language silos which typically provide a smaller and to me more comfortable environment.

In a sense, I think it’s a sign of maturity for a project to outgrow “everyone active in this hangs out here” places.

The discoverability problem described is a problem with silos, and it seems like that’s an increasing issue to me. Fifteen years ago these silos were indexable by Google and searching for your problem might give you a forum post, an IRC-log, a blog post or documentation. Many of these communities were still readable by all. In that sense the silos of yesterday were more accessible than they are today.

sakjur | a day ago