Larry Ellison's AI-Powered Surveillance Dystopia Is Already Here

walterbell | 46 points

Larry Ellison doesn't have to worry about being profiled as an easy mark to contribute toward some government enforcement worker's KPIs (which themselves are frequently the result of less than noble goals) or getting screwed as part of some higher level initiative to go hard on some thing so of course he sees no danger in this sort of thing.

Edit: Now that I think about it you can sub in entire demographics in place of "Larry Ellison" and the above statement still holds other than the usual error from using a broad brush.

potato3732842 | a day ago

It might be worth it to just live in a less advanced country that isn’t capable of such advanced surveillance

acheong08 | a day ago


Omnipresent AI cameras will ensure good behavior, says Larry Ellison

ChrisArchitect | a day ago

Yet amazingly, crimes will still happen about as regularly.

gizajob | a day ago