A Tesla Semi has already traveled 250k miles in 1.5 years

guerby | 34 points

Tesla has done the same as they did with the Cybertruck.

In the time they've spent faffing around with this, other companies in nations that aren't ruled by fossil oligarchs have built Semis that look just like other semis but with electric motors and put them into production for a range of tasks.

> By September 2024 Volvo electric customer trucks in 45 countries had covered more than 100 million kilometers

From a YouTube video they posted yesterday, likely as a response to this.

Tesla claim 7 million miles (11 million Km).

ZeroGravitas | 2 days ago

Does this address whether the payload was basically PepsiCo shipping bags of chips which are the lowest density items they have and was definitely what they had limited the Tesla semis to at least in the beginning?

addicted | 2 days ago

I want to know more about the economics of it. How much does this Tesla semi cost, and how much does a regular class 8 semi cost?

A back of the envelope calculation says you save a dollar for every 3.1 miles the Tesla semi drives, given current diesel prices and electric prices. But idk if these would have the same prices for electricity or not. If Tesla was smart they’d build out fast charging stations for semis to guarantee a low price.

I guess the other question is distance. If they truly get 1000 miles of range that’s 15 hours of driving which I assume is enough but I know nothing about trucking. It is probably lower if they tow a heavier load.

janalsncm | 2 days ago

But how much did it pull?

hyggetrold | 2 days ago

That’s an average of ~19 miles per hour continuously.

test6554 | 2 days ago

~ 450 miles per day

m463 | 2 days ago

And caught on fire three times

more_corn | 2 days ago

Great - more 24+ hour shutdowns for highways in the future...

EricE | 2 days ago