Amazon's Secret Weapon in Chip Design Is Amazon

mdp2021 | 79 points

Amazon's secret weapon is Amazon's own use of chips, if your idea of "secret" is that you wear a blindfold and anything you can't see is therefore "secret".

More like "Amazon's Blindlingly Obvious Weapon In Chip Design Is AWS".

jerf | 2 days ago

Annapurna had some pretty ok consumer chips before their buy out

Ditto for PA Semi, who were bought by Apple.

SiFive changed to being an IP provider, is no longer selling chips.

It feels sometimes like the PC world is in collapse. No one wants to sell chips any more, it's all for cloud or for appliance-ized phone-lile systems. When someone does come along and starts making new chips, they get bought.

I wish the hyperscalers had some interest in keeping a competitive market alive, in supporting independent competition. I respect the desire to have a strong in house team and Graviton 3+ have really been excellent (Nitro is also super interesting deep tech I wish we saw in the world; alas AMD's SeaMicro acquisition took one similar out in the wild super-fabric offering off the table rather than promoted it). But man, the consolidation in chip making has been brutal & it doesn't feel like there's enough folks getting started making cores to keep things healthy. There's some disruption from below with RISC-V starting, but it's been slow & is very down market still (Tenstorrent being the notable exception). The broad ecosystem feels like it needs help, needs new vitality, is ossofying, in large part because of these acquisitions.

jauntywundrkind | 2 days ago

I am fully expecting a RISC-V Graviton (they might change the name) within two years.

snvzz | a day ago

Amazon is not a secret weapon, poison pill maybe?

This is a company that is actively shooting itself in the foot on all fronts and by the time they realize it’s gone too far they won’t be able to turn the ship fast enough.

ActionHank | 3 days ago

AWS is so anti-customer with respect to GPUs right now.

They have the highest prices of any cloud. What happened to “your margin is my opportunity”?

And, as far as I know, customers are unable to allocate a VM with fewer than eight A100, H100, or H200 GPUs. (Please tell me how if I’m wrong.)

So, customers are incentivized to use other cloud products for GPUs in the short term.

They seem to be heavily invested in their own chips in the medium term.

rytill | 3 days ago


varelse | 3 days ago

OK, I know this is a bit off topic, but Prime (as a shopper) and Amazon quality of products is definitely tanking in my opinion. Has anyone had good experience with Walmart+? I've considered switching, but I'm skeptical.

Edit: Misspellling ‿

rabbitofdeath | 2 days ago

I've been through 4 different calls with Amazon's outsourced to India Customer Support, taken high resolution photographs from 20 different angles for their incorrectly shipped product to me which shows they tagged products incorrectly.

Will probably take them to Small Claims Court. Worst Customer Support ever.

Such a scam.

My wife is happy with them though.

OrvalWintermute | 2 days ago