Computer Languages Timeline [pdf] (2022)

archargelod | 55 points

I would love to have something like this on my wall that has seen a designer’s touch. The information tells a story, but it could certainly be art.

The end of the graph has a lot of straight lines. I’m not sure this is accurate as much as it’s just missing linkages. Or perhaps they just haven’t become sufficiently clear through the lens of history.

Waterluvian | 4 days ago

If the OP wanted a larger dataset, here's a list of 5,016:

Also available as csv/tsv/json:


breck | 4 days ago

Because it was posted to HN in 2008, I think it is older than 2022.

brudgers | 5 days ago

Missing Golang, Rust

purple-leafy | 4 days ago

levenez unix history page / chart is also interesting.

fuzztester | 4 days ago

Why PDF? Just why?

fracus | 4 days ago