Show HN: Epitomē – A semantic search engine for ancient text

Barneyhill | 31 points

Hi everyone! A couple weeks ago I stumbled upon ISicily (, a project to encode all ancient sicilian inscriptions in a strict xml language called EpiDoc. While the existing website is great I wanted to make an interface which makes it easy to explore the human stories contained within the inscribed text. In order to aid searching for concepts/terms I've also filled in missing translations/commentary with Claude Sonnet-3.5 translations (this is meant as a recreational tool - these translations are not to be trusted...)

Hopefully I'll be able to add more datasets in the coming weeks - if you know any do shout!

Barneyhill | 7 days ago

Really cool. Did you embed the AI commentary/translations or the original untranslated text?

skeptrune | 6 days ago

Wow! This is incredible. I love this!! Bring back the library of Alexandria!!

keepamovin | 7 days ago

Oh, not that Barney Hill. Still really cool tho.

throwaway743 | 3 days ago