Read the book:
"Getting real" from 37signals, its free on their website:
The book is now aging 18yo, but its still valid. And it is very inspiring.
ta12653421 | 4 months ago
For quick user feedback, maybe give the product away for free in exchange for testimonials. Reach out to friends and family. Implement the changes they suggest. Once you have some solid testimonials built up, you can raise the price of the product. Rinse and repeat.
I recommend watching some Alex Hormozi videos on how to effectively market and sell.
jasonturley | 4 months ago
The question suggests that a recipe exists that you can follow and gain users. Just build something valuable for people who are struggling right now without your solution.
achempion | 4 months ago
Who are your users?
nicbou | 4 months ago
Hire a marketing agency.
kylebenzle | 4 months ago
It's a bit late here for my advice to be helpful to you but IMO these are questions to ask, and answer before you build the web app, not after.
The short answer to your question is "identify who your customer is, find out where they hang out (online or IRL), join that community, add value (not just your offering), demonstrate your usefulness and build credibility.
From that, you can sell product in a meaningful, sustained way, which reaches into the vote of their needs.
You've done it backwards, the easy bit first, and now the hard part will be harder. Instead of finding a niche, and filling it, you've filled a niche, and are now trying to find people in that niche.
Bur don't despair. You might yet pull it off. And if you don't consider it to be a really cheap part of your education. Making mistakes is how we gain experience and learn how the game is played.