Beehive lab notebook: Local-first access control

meiraleal | 57 points

Any word on when/if these folks will release software for folks to actually try out/use?

In particular,

has come up multiple times here:

and I'd love to try it out, but AFAICT there aren't any repositories/releases available.

WillAdams | 10 days ago

Read this article twice and can't understand what problem it is trying to solve and it's use cases. Can someone please explain it better?

Apparently it is a distributed file management system that is Local-first access control. What is the point if the data is on my machine then I have full access already so it already is local-first access?

jFatFinger | 10 days ago

I really like the diagramming style.

The general research program seems very interesting, things like Embark have that special kind of simplicity that comes from long and deep thinking about a problem.

com | 9 days ago