Phind-405B and faster, high quality AI answers for everyone

rushingcreek | 361 points

Phind continues to be my favorite AI-enhanced search engine. They do a really nice job giving answers to technical questions with links to references where I can verify the answer or learn more detail.

Some recent examples from my history:

what video formats does mastodon support?

compare xfs and ext4fs

on an apple ][ how do you access the no slot clock?

The answers aren't perfect. But they are a good gloss and then the links to web sources are terrific. ChatGPT and Claude aren't good at that. Bing CoPilot sort of is but I don't like it as much.

NelsonMinar | 11 days ago

I just tried. Asked a question on a research topic I'm digging into. It gave me some answers but no references. Then I copy the answers it gave me and specifically ask for references. Then I got:

I sincerely apologize for my earlier response. Upon reviewing the search results provided, I realize I made an error in referencing those specific studies. The search results don't contain any relevant information for the claims I mentioned earlier. As an AI assistant, I should be more careful in providing accurate and supported information. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. In this case, I don't have reliable references to support those particular statements about software tools and their impact on developer experience and software quality.

Not sure about this...

spirodonfl | 11 days ago

"A key issue with AI-powered search is that it is just too slow compared to classic Google. Even if it generates a better answer, the added latency is discouraging."

Is this true? I feel like most complaints I have and hear about is how inaccurate some of the AI results are. I.e. the mistakes it confidently makes when helping you code.

josvdwest | 11 days ago

Is not for everyone as title said . It is just for pro users . The title is confusing . Can you please change it

kamatchu07 | 11 days ago

Hmm this versus Kagi Assistant?

Plan page says $20/mo Unlimited powerful Phind-405B and Phind-70B searches; Daily GPT-4o (500+) , Claude 3.5 Sonnet (500+), Claude Opus (10) uses

> Phind-405B scores 92% on HumanEval (0-shot), matching Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Any other benchmarks?

dsp_person | 11 days ago

Been subscribed to phind pro for the last 5 or 6 months I think? Feels like the pollution from search results has gotten a bit better but it sometimes still messes with answers when I ask a follow up question. Like I will reference the answer aboves code in my question, and the next answer will answer based not on the conversation but some code in the search results. I'm not versed enough in rag to know how you would fix that with like a prioritization or something. Other than that I'm REALLY looking forward how you guys tackle your own artifacts in the web interface. Something about that ui in Claude's version of artifacts works really well with my work flow when using the web, plus having the versions of different files, etc.

itorcs | 11 days ago

Okay, wait this is actually doing a really good job.

I still have to ask follow up questions to get reasonable results but when I tested earlier this year it was outright failing on most of my test queries.

CSMastermind | 11 days ago

I'd suggest offering at least one free query to allow users to evaluate the service.

BikeShuester | 11 days ago

Phind is the best productivity booster I've found in the last years. Congrats and keep up the great work!

jmakov | 11 days ago

Recently I asked an AI following question

  const MyClass& getMyClass(){....}
  auto obj = getMyClass();

  this makes a copy right?
And it was very confident about it not making a copy. It thinks auto will deduce the type as a const ref and not make a copy. Which is wrong, you need auto& or const auto& for that. I asked it if it is sure and it was even more confident.

Here is the godbolt output . You can see the "copy" being printed. And you can also see you can call non-const methods on copied object, which implies it is a non-const type

I asked the very same question to phind and it gave the same answer

How come two different AIs, one was supposed to be specialized on coding, fails in such a confident way?

shultays | 10 days ago

Any perplexity pro user tried Phind? how good is it? specially for code/tech research etc.

asadm | 11 days ago

Title says "for everyone", but post says "Phind-405B is available now for all Phind Pro users". I guess everyone on earth has paid for Phind :)

rawrawrawrr | 11 days ago

Does an API not make economic sense for you? Personally I would rather use my own tooling (not VSCode based).

natrys | 11 days ago

"Phind-405B scores 92% on HumanEval (0-shot), matching Claude 3.5 Sonnet". I'd love to see examples of actual code modifications created by Phind and Sonnet back-to-back. This level of transparency would give me the confidence to try to pro. As it is, I'm skeptical by the claim and actual performance as I've yet to see a finetuned model from Llama3.1 that performed notably better in an area without suffering problems in other areas. We do need more options!

jadbox | 11 days ago

Government institutions (academia) should be training these kinds of networks (or funding it) so they become accessible to everybody and truly "open".

amelius | 10 days ago

Sneaky title.

    Bread and water for everyone
now apparently means

    Bread for our customers, water for everyone
TekMol | 10 days ago

Does anybody use Phind? What do you use it for?

mritchie712 | 11 days ago
| 10 days ago

I get a blank page with the text "Service is unavailable in this region."

Any reason why Phind is region-locked? Is there a list of what countries Phind is available in?

rainbowjelly | 11 days ago
| 10 days ago

Some time ago, you promised to release the weights for Phind-70B. Do you still plan to do this?

atemerev | 10 days ago

I've been using Phind this past week and it's been excellent.

One of our vendors insisted on whitelisting the IPs we were going to call them from, and our deployments went through AWS copilot/Fargate directly to the public subnets. Management had fired the only person with infrastructure experience a few months ago (very small company), and nobody left knew anything about networking.

Within about a week, Phind brought me from questions like "What is a VPC?" "What is a subnet?" to having set up the NAT gateways, diagnosing deploy problems and setting up the VPC endpoints in AWS' crazy complicated setup, and gotten our app onto the private subnet and routing outbound traffic through the NAT for that vendor.

Yes, it occasionally spit out nonsense (using the free/instant model). I even caught it blatantly lying about its sources once. Even so, once I asked the right questions it helped me learn and execute so much faster than I would have trying to cobble understanding through ordinary google searches, docs, and blog posts.

Strongly recommended if you're ever wading into a new/unfamiliar topic.

mountain_goat | 11 days ago
| 11 days ago

This is going to be renamed to Llama Phind 405B, right?

enum | 10 days ago

I asked it a question and it answered authoritatively.

> The impedance of a 22 μH capacitor at 400 THz is approximately 1.80 × 10^-24 Ω.

The correct answer should have been “what the hell are you talking about dumbass?”. Capacitors are not measured in henries and the question really has no meaning at 400THz. Another stochastic parrot.

minkles | 11 days ago

Can the new model provide creative writing with high token context or is Phind purely focused on answering questions (enhanced search).

Citizen_Lame | 11 days ago

I think that LMM should not produce answers to questions. Instead, they should generate keywords, make keyword search and give quotes from human-written material as an answer.

So what LLM should do is only search and filter human-written material.

An example of search query is "What is the temporal duration between striking adjacent strings to form a chord on a guitar?". Google (being just a dumb keyword search engine) produces mostly unrelated search results (generally answering what chords there are and how does one play them). Phind also cannot answer: [1]

However, when I asked a LLM what keywords I should use to find this, it suggested "guitar chord microtiming" among other choices, which allows to find a research work containing the answer (5 to 12 ms if someone is curious).


codedokode | 11 days ago

Accessible by api?

J_Shelby_J | 11 days ago

Boy I would love something like this for electronic parts datasheets.

garfieldnate | 7 days ago

The “About” is not “Who we are” at the time I am typing this. Please add information about the company, founders, etc.

It looks good, thought!

davidcollantes | 11 days ago

This is incredible. Truly the evolution of documentation! It makes going through docs in Python so much easier.

nonotanymore | 10 days ago

I was a Phind user for a bit but I've switched to Perplexity lately. Anyone know how the two compare?

ashleyn | 11 days ago

wow it finds the correct answer to a Scheme niche language question.

"How to replace a string in Gerbil Scheme?"

thibran | 11 days ago

The AI generated page that attributes Steve Jobs' success to Paul Graham is killing me.

RIMR | 11 days ago

Is Phind similar to Perplexity?

lxe | 11 days ago

Are the weights available since it's based on Meta Llama 3.1 405B?

hleszek | 11 days ago

Ive given up on phind. The company seems like a bit of a dodgy black hole in terms of what they do with information (the answer is - i dont know, but i requested to try find out so my company could use them and got no reply). Seems untrustworthy…

jeffybefffy519 | 11 days ago

Looks cool, but anyone not familiar with 'founder mode' will be confused....

11101010001100 | 11 days ago

It would be nice to see the Phind Instant weights released under a permissive license. It looks like it could be a useful tool in the local-only code model toolbox.

jncraton | 11 days ago

Their example is: stealing content, to make a sketchy-looking pile of worthless BS.

Then I realized that this pattern is the biggest application of LLMs right now.

So I guess they're just acknowledging the target market.

neilv | 11 days ago
| 11 days ago

How well does Phind operate in uncommon languages, say, the Uyghur language?

ewuhic | 10 days ago

> [...] faster, high quality AI answers for everyone

...if you buy their pro subscription

KETpXDDzR | 9 days ago

a really good benchmark for such systems: ask them to summarize the reasons to vote for Trump or Harris.

cocodill | 10 days ago

For me, the website says: "Sorry, you have been blocked. You are unable to access"

johndough | 11 days ago