Frances Glessner Lee. What a force of nature!
I would like to try solving the nutshell studies, but they don't seem to have been digitized.
It might make a nice temporary online community to digitize and reveal one nutshell per month.
I suppose it might undermine their use in education to have a public answer for each of them, however.
>Lee’s goal was to eliminate human bias from death investigations. “[F]ar too often the investigator ‘has a hunch,’ and looks for and finds only the evidence to support it, disregarding any other evidence that may be present,” she wrote in an article for a criminology journal. “This attitude would be calamitous in investigating an actual case.”
But that's how Columbo[0] solves almost every case, using the perpetrator's over-reliance on "other evidence that may be present" against them.
I wonder how Lee would respond to the allegations that many parts of forensic science are actually junk science.
The innocence project is rather pointed example of how many times forensic science has been used improperly to sentence people to death.