Show HN: LogoMVP – Generate quick, professional logos for your MVP

lentesdev | 31 points

This sounds like a fantastic solution for anyone needing a quick, professional-looking logo! Struggling with branding, especially for MVPs, is a common pain point. LogoMVP ( seems like a great way to generate a solid foundation without getting bogged down in design complexities.

The ability to choose color scheme, typography, and icon all in one place is super convenient. I can definitely see the value for startups, side projects, or even brainstorming sessions.

I'll definitely check it out and provide feedback! Love the idea of building tools to solve personal problems – that can lead to some really innovative solutions.

Avisan | a month ago

It's a great concept. Something I would recommend is:

- a checkbox to remove the TM at the end of the logo.

- expanding the color and typography options. For quick prototyping, like the "Lorem Ipsum" of logos, this selection is probably fine. If you add more palletes / colors / icons, you can break the toolbox off into separate tabs.

- Removing the "Product Hunt" badge from the toolbox to maximize the space of the content, and instead putting it in the footer

- (Personal preference): Moving the options toolbox to the right of the screen instead of having it on the left, or giving the user the option to change the layout.

hwsoftwarellc | a month ago

> Are you enjoying this project? Consider supporting it by buying me a coffee and continue to build awesome projects.

I can't even tap the buttons to unhide the page. iOS 14

doublerabbit | a month ago

This is delightful!

The only issue I've ever had with these types of tools is they usually charge a monthly subscription. That probably makes sense for some kind of agency, but as an individual I don't need a subscription to a logo service. I just need a simple logo now, one-time.

niblettc | a month ago

This is neat. Well done.

I'm curious how well the "buy me a coffee" model works with projects like this.

It sure would be nice if there was a workable middle ground between selling subscriptions (or one time payments) and just giving everything away.

mthoms | a month ago

Love this one, curious to know, how do you determine the placement of each color in the palette on the icon image? Like, how do you know a lighter color should go on the icon and darker on the background etc.

abhimanyue1998 | a month ago

Reminds me a lot of Emblem[0]


sp1rit | a month ago

Its simple and pretty easy to use, looks promising. Would be great to have a bigger library. Wondering if canva can be used for this?

wishpal | a month ago

Looks great, it's free, and the shuffle button does wonders to inspire. Bookmarked and will use it for sure.

mdrzn | a month ago
| a month ago

Would be great to have a color palette shuffle mode that keeps the name and logo the same. Given you may know your name and what icon fits your name. Also you misspelled palette on the website.

throwawayaghas1 | a month ago