Superbabies: Putting the pieces together

OuterVale | 28 points

Human embryos obtained in vitro are human beings and subjects with rights: their dignity and right to life must be respected from the first moment of their existence. It is immoral to produce human embryos destined to be exploited as disposable "biological material". In the usual practice of in vitro fertilization, not all of the embryos are transferred to the woman's body; some are destroyed. Just as the Church condemns induced abortion, so she also forbids acts against the life of these human beings. It is a duty to condemn the particular gravity of the voluntary destruction of human embryos obtained "in vitro".

ā€” Donum Vitae, 22 February 1987,

See also the 1997 film Gattaca

michaelsbradley | 3 months ago

Time to re-watch Gattaca.

jaredhallen | 3 months ago

we talk about others when we think about enhanced people, but if you were one of these super beings, what would you do, would your ethics be the same, what could you know or infer from your relative experience, etc. they're going to be a minority when we engineer them, just like any naturally occurring ones now. I wonder how it plays out for them.

motohagiography | 3 months ago