Why can't LLM's solve this coding problem?

yourfriendben | 2 points

Because LLMs are just spicy autocomplete. They can't reason.

DanAtC | 10 days ago

By giving your prompt (using "Fortran" instead of "Python") and then repeatedly pointing out the wrong output for TOTAL = 7, MAX = 6

and then reminding ChatGPT4 that the list should be descending order, I got it to generate the following working Fortran code

   module list_module
    implicit none

    function get_list(total, max) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: total, max
        integer, allocatable :: res(:)
        integer :: n, remaining, i, base_value

        ! Calculate the base value for each element and how many elements are needed
        n = (total + max - 1) / max  ! This ensures we use the maximum possible times max can fit
        base_value = total / n
        remaining = total - base_value * n

        ! Allocate and initialize the result array
        res = base_value

        ! Distribute the remainder starting from the last element, working backwards
        do i = n, 1, -1
            if (remaining > 0) then
                res(i) = res(i) + 1
                remaining = remaining - 1
        end do

        ! Reverse the array to ensure descending order
        res = res(size(res):1:-1)

    end function get_list

   end module list_module

   program test_get_list
    use list_module
    implicit none
    integer, allocatable :: result(:)
    integer :: total, max, i, j

    ! Define the test cases
    integer, parameter :: test_cases(2, 8) = reshape([ &
        7, 1, &
        7, 2, &
        7, 3, &
        7, 4, &
        7, 5, &
        7, 6, &
        7, 7, &
        7, 8], [2, 8])

    ! Loop over each test case
    do i = 1, size(test_cases, 2)
        total = test_cases(1, i)
        max = test_cases(2, i)
        result = get_list(total, max)

        ! Print the result
        write(*, '(A, I2, A, I2, A)', advance='no') "TOTAL = ", total, ", MAX = ", max, ", RESULT = ["
        if (allocated(result)) then
            write(*, '(I1, A)', advance='no') result(1), " "
            do j = 2, size(result)
                write(*, '(I1, A)', advance='no') result(j), " "
            end do
        write(*, *) "]"
    end do
   end program test_get_list
with output

   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  1, RESULT = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  2, RESULT = [2 2 2 1  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  3, RESULT = [3 2 2  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  4, RESULT = [4 3  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  5, RESULT = [4 3  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  6, RESULT = [4 3  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  7, RESULT = [7  ]
   TOTAL =  7, MAX =  8, RESULT = [7  ]
Bostonian | 10 days ago