Chat Notebooks

yurivish | 259 points

One of the Wolfram/Chatbook developers here.

I'm happy to answer questions or accept feedback about the new functionality.

We're very excited about the potential of Wolfram technology + LLMs, and we've got a number of interesting projects underway in this area. Stephen's other recent blog posts linked at the top of the Chat Notebooks post provide a nice tour.

The Wolfram/Chatbook[1] package mentioned in the post is freely available for any Wolfram 13.2 users. It's also open source and available on GitHub[2].



connordg | a year ago

While I think his notebooks and features look pretty useful, he frames the article around having invented "notebooks" 36 years ago before anyone else, and talks about other notebooks not having features that they've had since 1987. This is a pretty odd context to basically describe a new chat feature.

Is this a record that should be set straight?

I've used Jupyter since it was IPython notebook, but I don't think that community claims to be the first coming of notebooks. The accessibility of python along with the breadth and depth of the scipy community makes it a quite a tour de force. So perhaps these articles are aimed at people who only use open source tools.

DigiDigiorno | a year ago

Jupyter notebooks were inspired by Mathematica notebooks (as stated by author).

Jupyter notebooks are massively used in data science and AI research which eventually led to ChatGPT.

Now ChatGPT is integrated in Mathematica notebooks.

Nice circular situation.

dist-epoch | a year ago

Neat idea, but some of it is made out to be unnecessarily complex and esoteric. E.g. giving it your name, and now it becomes 'aware' of your name. I guess in normal programming that would be like saying once you declare your variable the program is 'aware' of it. It's not wrong to say that, but unnecessarily makes it more complicated. The tacking of multiple such instances makes the overall post more complicated than needed. The core idea is neat though.

neosat | a year ago

Hard to believe people look at this Chat UX with LLMs as a good interface. Look at the amount of blabbering in the example - why?

oslac | a year ago

I love the concept of notebooks (as referred to in this article). It reminds me of the way HyperCard made it very easy for non-techies to create something that looks great to share out with the world. I'm honestly surprised nobody else has exploited this functionality before!

Yhippa | a year ago

Plug for my VS Code implementation of the same:

What’s nice with it is both the input and output are modifiable text areas, so you can tune the angent’s example responses to be exactly what you intend. And the on disk format is just the message and parameter JSON, so you can tune your prompt in a live notebook then consume it directly from anything that speaks JSON (most bundlers, for example).

jakear | a year ago
| a year ago

Looks like it's time to restart Google Wave

thomastjeffery | a year ago

The next step in literate programming, I guess.

julienchastang | a year ago

First sentence he claims he invented sth a long time back, but it definitely has prior art.

I stopped reading right there. If everybody did that then perhaps he'd learn to be able to express things without immediately being full of himself.

garfieldandthe | a year ago

All I want is a self-hostable open-source GPT4.

The community will come up with things that will make the content of this blog post look like hello world todo apps.

Can't a wealthy bazillionaire like Elon Musk just drop a few billions and buy the rights to GPT4?

meghan_rain | a year ago