Why is there taurine in energy drinks?

rntn | 10 points

Seeming actual answer: Random chance, it sounds good, and no actual reasons are needed for putting all sorts of substances into "energy drinks".

bell-cot | a year ago

> Assuming the average adult human weighs 63kg (139 pounds) ...

Where do they get that from? I haven't weighed that little probably since I was a teenager and I've always been under my ideal BMI and I do exercise quite regularly and eat fairly reasonably healthily.

lsllc | a year ago

What a lackluster story. No mention of Lipovitan, the Japanese drink/medicine that first contained taurine. That drink likely inspired Krating Daeng in Thailand, which in turn led to the creation of Red Bull.

Or any mention of truckers and factory workers which were the original target market, and validated the effectiveness of these drinks over decades - before it became a trend for young people.

ricardobeat | a year ago

Didn't you see the other submission today?

Clearly it's to keep their customers alive longer, and purchasing.

DANmode | a year ago