Show HN: Governments on GitHub

danthelion | 55 points

I have some doubts about the data: the government of France has supposedly 1 repos, but for instance the French Statistics Office has 244 repos [0], the "digital" team of the Prime Minister's services has at least 537 repos, and that's what's on top of my head.

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addcommitpush | 10 months ago

Something broken in the source data, if I compare the organisations with the list that GitHub has crowdsourced:

tuukkah | 10 months ago

I don’t think open issues is a very useful metric because an open issue may stick around for 10 years and just stay low priority. So number of open issues doesn’t really mean much. Maybe instead show issue velocity of how many created+closed each period to show activity. Or show commits.

prepend | 10 months ago

No explanation of where this data is coming from or how it's being labeled? Your top table on the right hand side shows seven "countries" but only one of the names in there is actually the name of a country (Norway).

It looks like you're just taking the top-level headers from that "who's using Github" page? Civic Hacker is one of those and is showing up as a "country" in your dataset, but clearly isn't. Looking at the first few tiles, it includes at least a few US cities, some US states, and Romania.

nonameiguess | 10 months ago

I don't quite understand what this dashboard is aiming at. What is the target objective: government participation on FOSS, being mentioned, projects being funded or something else?

srvmshr | 10 months ago

I created a dashboard to monitor government activity on GitHub

danthelion | 10 months ago

As a state government employee I don’t understand what the purpose of this is. For example, my organization has hundreds of repositories but they are all hosted internally on TFS. We have zero repositories on GitHub. Is the goal to show what government code looks like, get community help for the code, accountability, showing your tax dollars at work, something else?

lotsoweiners | 10 months ago

Great, but most of the Norwegian governments are missing. Here is a more up to date list

starefossen | 10 months ago

Anyone (or the author) knows the name of the UI library the site is using?

moralestapia | 10 months ago

Can I browse the repos from this page?

batmansmom1 | 10 months ago