Ask HN: I want to create a personal health dashboard, what should I use?

pell | 51 points

Disclaimer: Engineer for the app...

If you're an engineer and interested in building a little application then read on! CommonHealth is a (free, non profit) app that patients can use to download their health data from their health care providers. We're all about open interoperability with the ability to for developers to build on top of the app using the SDK to ingest the data of a patient and build any visualizations/analytics etc.

There's zero backend data aggregation, all data lives ONLY on your personal device once you download it from your health provider, and all data is thus deleted if you simply uninstall the app.

So that's to say, if you're in the US market and want to build your own functionality, you definitely have that opportunity, as we've done the work connecting to 1000s of providers (with 100k+ coming by end of year)

Reach out if you want to get started here

btseytlin | 10 months ago

You might find interesting, as both inspiration/prior-art/cautionary tale.

jmduke | 10 months ago

I had a similar demand and started working on something for myself. It's a very simple system where you have a set of checkin buttons and a progress button at the top. There's a progress page where all checkins and progress display in a chart that can overlap, making a little easier for one to see how the progress and the checkins possibly correlate.

I'm still working on a landing page, but I put some screenshots[1] together to show what I'm talking about. This is a mobile friendly application, data is grouped according to the screen width, meaning that on a computer you are able to see with more details the chart points.

The system is working well for me, now I have much more content to share with my doctors and track medicine usage as well as any other event in life I'd like to track, such as sports, naps, booze etc.

I'd be happy to provide access to whoever want to give it a try, just shoot me an email: username at gmail.


chromano | 10 months ago

A combination of Grafana, a custom API and integration with Excel and HealthKit would be my choices.

I concur that fragmentation kills our ability to custom-build these tools. I'm in the same position, I want to gather and have a single glass pane view of my meds, glucose, A1C, Weight, Exercise, Doctor Visits/Notes and Lab results.

I'll jot this down on my PARA inbox. ;)

vladsanchez | 10 months ago

I just use the iOS Health app to do all that. It's too much work to duplicate that into another system, IMHO.

I even jam additional info like mood, weight, and blood pressure and other metrics into it with Shortcuts, which speeds up the process.

runjake | 10 months ago

The LoseIt app has goal tracking, mostly for weight loss, but also has a blood pressure, blood glucose and body measurements, nutrition, exercise and of course calorie tracking with a lot of food data. It syncs with Apple watch for exercise and does some calorie computation based on that. As you lose weight it also re-computes your daily calorie goal. It has charts and keeps history.

It doesn't appear you can add random things to track as a goal and chart them but there are notes which might be more appropriate for cholesterol and blood test results since those are infrequent I assume.

matt_s | 10 months ago

Maybe Airtable?

I worked on something in the space and one of the challenges we ran into was pulling data from Apple Health. At the time there was no API (haven't checked recently) so if we wanted that data we would have needed to build an app. There were companies that had apps/APIs but the price seemed to start at $30k which didn't make sense for us.

Context: we were mostly focused on activity metrics.

collin128 | 10 months ago

I've been using for years. It can automatically sync a bunch of info from Apple Health and other providers, but also allows you to create custom data fields and manually enter data. It generates graphs and helps to find trends and correlations.

uxjw | 10 months ago

Shameless plug for Saltcorn (, which is the simplest and open sourciest way of creating a database web application for when you want an upgrade from Excel to proper tables with fields and relationships. Data viz, pivot table plugins available.

glutamate | 10 months ago

Maybe sqlite - easy to transfer what you have and you can have a doc handy for doing nice queries. Once you figure out core functions you can facilitate interaction more with a UI or CLI, and some polling functions for remote data.

liampulles | 10 months ago

I doubt you will find anything which does just what you want. I created a Google form in 2020 which sends data into sheets where I have some routines to analyse it. Still going and works well.

beardyw | 10 months ago

Here, this was asked a few weeks ago.

Onavo | 10 months ago

Doesn't Apple Health on its own already allow you to do all that? It'll track anything you measure directly via an Apple device like heart rate or step count, but you can also enter in measurements you got from something else, and it will integrate with exercise and diet tracking apps as long as they run on iOS. I think it's missing blood markers other than glucose, but seems to have everything else you're asking for.

nonameiguess | 10 months ago
Solvency | 10 months ago

No connection to the app but you should check out

bcopa | 10 months ago

I might be able to help just out of curiosity and interest. Reach out at hi at mrassili dot com and let’s talk

mrassili | 10 months ago

Shameless plug: It is free unless you want to store raw data of ecg/chest movements.

Insalgo | 10 months ago

One suggestion is to build out your use-case instead of searching for a generic technology that can handle it.

A general privacy-respecting health-oriented bucket of medical records is completely tangled in government regulations, organizational constraints, design-by-committee -- bureaucratic nonsense individuals don't need. It's easy to get lost in the weeds.

Often what you want is to know where you stand with respect to a particular condition, say, atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

The key thing is to build your model for evaluating that condition, e.g., LDL blood work, night-time systolic blood pressure, pulse-oximetry during exercise, exercise tolerance, etc. The model combines those things into a meaningful, actionable score. E.g., it should indicate whether to increase the statins or blood pressure medication, exercise or eat differently, investigate possible primary conditions or genetic risks, etc. I.e., the model represents the ongoing differential diagnosis, and should confirm or invalidate the hypothesis.

Then you can start to prune and evolve the model and the data. Maybe the pulse-ox data after exercise, while easy to gather, really means nothing. Maybe the blood work is sensitive to recent exercise, so you get more consistent results from take 2 days off beforehand. You compare your model to the existing models - e.g., the ASCVD risk estimator - or update it to track new studies. You start to integrate other models, tracking inflammation or oxidation. As you get trends, you'll see associations.

My point is that dashboard fly-over's are for executives/managers to make quick decisions about complex topics. We all want to simplify the complex, but sometimes it's actually better to dive into the details to get more clarity and understanding.

In that case, what might help is a way of organizing libraries of studies and presentations, building a bunch of one-off analysis tools to ingest data and compare with other models, etc. Tying them together mainly involves deciding on your data model - typically one module per source-style and another for your own integration.

wrt technologies, graph DB's are tempting, but most actual models work in excel pretty well, and pivot tables with graphs get you pretty far in analysis and visualization. Mathematica is great here for prototyping because it has proper units, sample API's, data sources, programmability, visualization, and a clean programming model and tutorials. I recommend it partly because it's a window onto everything current - LLM's, image recognition, big data, open-source data... The alternatives are to wander the wildlands of python libraries, or take the rigid Apple museum tour. Mathematica is more like wandering the museum yourself.

w10-1 | 10 months ago

Apple health

bmikaili | 10 months ago


NigelThornberry | 10 months ago

smartwatches can measure a lot automatically

most medical practices have your test results available online

not sure why/how you need to merge blood tests and watch data for a meaningful benefit

otherwise, spend time cleaning up your diet and improving your exercise and can't get healthy just moving data around

0zemp3c | 10 months ago